TNG v7.0 jetzt verfügbar

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Beiträge: 232
Registriert: 20.06.2007 21:24

TNG v7.0 jetzt verfügbar

Beitrag von salsa »

Liebe TNG-User/Innen,

nachstehend wird die eMail von Darrin Lythgoe, dem Entwickler von
TNG weitergeleitet.
Nun ist die TNG Version 7 verfügbar.

Was neu ist, in dieser Anwendung, kann hier nachgelesen werden:
(deutsche Übersetzung - per Google translate) ... %26hl%3Dde

Hier ist die deutsche Übersetzung der neuen TNG-Homepage: ... %26hl%3Dde

Viel Spaß bei der Lektüre.

Viele Grüße

Heinz (Schlutow)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Darrin Lythgoe" <>
To: "'TNG Users List'" <>
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 4:19 PM
Subject: [tngusers2] TNG v7.0 now available

> Hi everyone,
> This is to announce that TNG v7.0 is now available for download.
> To get the upgrade from v5 or v6, just go back to your
> previous TNG downloads page (
> or and look for the
> PayPal and RegSoft buttons there. The cost for the upgrade is
> $12.99 (full price is now $29.99). There is no direct
> upgrade from v4 or earlier. To upgrade from one of those
> versions, you must first upgrade to v5 or v6.
> To see a list of all the major changes made in v7, please visit
> this link:
> A few notes:
> - On the new Help screens, you may notice a link to the "TNG
> Wiki" (link: My v7 testers
> have put a small amount of initial content there, but it is by
> no means complete. Please feel free to contribute to this
> new resource.
> - If you are using the UTF-8 character set on your site, you
> will also need to download and install the "PDF fonts for
> UTF-8" from the "TNG Extras" section on the downloads page in
> order for your PDF charts to print correctly. For everyone
> else, this is unnecessary.
> - A full French version 7 has been posted, but the Help files
> have not yet been translated into French. A full Dutch
> version 7 has not yet been posted. The upgrade readme files have
> not been translated into any language other than
> English. If English is not your primary language, just use the
> English upgrade, then also remember to download the
> latest language packs for your primary language.
> - The links at pointing to the
> demo still point to the v6 demo. To see the v7 demo,
> please go to I haven't
> made that link public yet because I'm not 100% sure that
> the database INSERT & UPDATE functions have been completely
> locked down yet. If you find that you're actually able to
> add or change anything there, please let me know.
> - Please remember to follow the instructions! The upgrade has
> been made a little simpler, but the *most* common source
> of trouble with an upgrade is *still* failure to follow
> instructions. Don't forget the backup part at the beginning!
> That is crucial this. Also, if things don't look right at first,
> remember to clear your cache (aka "private data" or
> "temporary internet files") and refresh. That's the second
> biggest cause of upgrade trouble. :)
> - Assuming all goes well, I will announce this again on the main
> tngusers list in a few hours, so if you're on both
> lists, please excuse the redundance. In a few days I will also
> send a note to all TNG users, whether they're on a list
> or not, so please excuse any duplication there as well.
> - If you bought TNG 6 or the upgrade to TNG 6 any time in 2008,
> you are due for a free upgrade to v7. I will send out
> the access info to all of you sometime in the next 48 hours, so
> please be patient.
> - If (heaven forbid) you find a bug or think you've found a bug,
> please notify me directly at
> Thanks again to everyone who contributed in any way to this
> release, especially the testers, and especially Ken Roy,
> Roger Moffat, Steve Overton, Wendel Voigt, Walter Schultz, Henny
> Savenije, Thomas Valley, Eddy Belew, Chad Bouldin, John
> Barker, Robert Hale, Paul Kelly and Bret Rumsey. I feel
> confident in saying that they were very thorough. Thanks also to
> those who have already contributed translations for v7. If you
> can translate the new messages in any of the other
> languages TNG supports, please let me know. I will also grant
> free upgrades to anyone who contributes in that manner,
> but please notify me first before you start working on it.
> Sincerely,
> Darrin Lythgoe
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 06.06.2008 00:01

RE: TNG v7.0 jetzt verfügbar

Beitrag von mager »

Hat schon jemand erfolgreich das Update durchgeführt?
Martin (erstmal froh, dass es läuft)
Beiträge: 74
Registriert: 03.02.2003 20:48
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von Ralfwenzel »

Hallo Martin,

ich habe das Update problemlos durchgeführt. 8)
Allerdings musste ich feststellen das die deutsche Übersetzung noch schwächelt :roll: , so das ich teilweise selbst nachgebessert habe. (Optimal ist es immer noch nicht :oops: )

Meine Meinung zur V7: Wer nicht auf die neuesten Funktionen angewiesen ist und die Version 6.2.0 funktioniert, sollte vielleicht noch warten.


Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 06.06.2008 00:01

Beitrag von mager »

Habe gestern von 6.2.0 auf 7.0.2 upgedated und es ging problemlos (sind einige Schritte, aber gut erläutert). Das Update lohnt sich 100%!

Martin (PS: das Backup inkl. Datenbank VORHER nicht vergessen!!!)